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DirectX Graphics Programming With Shaders


Sole Programmer


This project is a Windows graphics application developed using a combination of C++ and higher level shader language (HLSL). It features numerous graphics techniques including but not limited to PCF shadows, dynamic tesselation, billboarding and point light shadows. It was developed for my graphics programming module during my third year at University.



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Solo Project




This graphics programming project was developed during my third year of university for my graphics programming with shaders module. It was created using a combination of C++ and HLSL. A wide range of shader stages and graphics techniques are employed within this project. Across the project, the vertex, pixel, geometry, hull and domain shaders are all utlised. In addition this, techniques such as vertex manipulation, lighting,shadows, post processing and tesselation are all accomodated for. Everything is rendered using DirectX 3D 11. The application features ImGui controls to grant the ability to look at each feature in greater detail.


- Vertex Manipulation using the vertex shader via both an imported height map and algorithmically using gernster wave calculations


- Post processing in the form of directional blur using the pixel shader


- Point Lights, Spotlights and Directional Lights complete with attenuation and  PCF shadows using depth shaders


- Dynamic tesselation applied to static and moving geometry using hull and domain shaders 


- Swaying Grass created from scratch using the geometry shader that can be manipulated using the UI


- Normals calculations for manipulated geometry

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