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Sole Programmer


Co2025 is a first person post-apocalyptic game where the player - in a race against the clock - must hop between Earth locations with their advanced technology in a bid to stabilise the Earth's atmosphere. This was submitted for a carbon capture game jam ran by SSE and - despite being unsuccessful in winning it - was praised for the quality of work produced in just 5 days.



Team Size



- 3D Artist

- 3D Artist + Level Designer





Co2025 was developed as part of a game jam over the course of 5 days in Unity with C#.  In it, the player must use advanced technology such as a carbon capturer, portal gun and oxygen planter to reduce the Earth's Co2 content and increase its oxygen levels. The brief of this game jam was to include carbon capture technology within the gameplay. I was the sole programmer on this project so it was my responsibility to ensure that all mechanics were implemented as well as any UI, audio and VFX assets. Judge feedback for our efforts were largely positive with one stating that Co2025 is a  "phenomenal achievement for a Game Jam entry and kudos to the team for delivering" and another describing it as "A hugely ambitious entry with so much potential". The main downside of the project was the gameplay being too advanced for a casual climate conference audience 


- Programmed a portal gun with a portal system


- Implemented an oxygen planter that adds oxygen to the atmosphere


- Added a CO2 absorber that absorbs C02 from the atmosphere which can then be stored underground


- Coded a first person controller with appropriate FPS weapon visuals


- Integreated UI, audio and VFX within engine


- Implemented a weapon system to allow the player to switch between them





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